Loading ImageWhen it comes to a client and designer relationship there are various factors which must be remembered and incorporated so as to make for a healthy back and forth of ideas. This is important for the creative side of things as projects often evolve as time moves on and when the designer feels like they can contact the client when needed, it"s more likely that both parties will get what they want.

With the recession the way it is, many companies have downsized and left people who"ve never commissioned work to outside agencies running the show, so to speak. Those people aren’t going to be the best informed or most understanding when it comes to communicating with the designer, not out of any malice but simply because it"s a new kind of relationship which they may not be used to. As well as this, senior colleagues are likely to get involved on the client side, meaning things may get complex as their opinions are likely to be strong ones.

The most important thing in a designer/client relationship is being willing to bend to the ideas and inputs of other people. The designer needs to understand that his or her work could need to be altered at a moment’s notice and be prepared to do so. On the other hand, the client needs to understand some of the creative process and what"s involved in taking a project from conceptual to physical. Some give and take on both sides while keeping open avenues of communication will lead to a healthy relationship in which everyone feels heard!