Teeth whitening is a dental treatment that has been improving the colour of people’s teeth for many years. Not only the celebrities who we see on the red carpets and in star magazines, though, as regular people like you and I can now obtain whitening treatment that is affordable and easily accessible. There are three main types of whitening available and they include Enlighten, laser and home whitening.

What are the causes of discoloured teeth?

Teeth can become discoloured due to consuming too much coffee, coke or red wine, among other strongly coloured foods and drinks, while smoking on a regular basis can also degrade the colour of teeth. The thinning of tooth enamel and natural yellowing of dentin over time also lead to teeth appearing discoloured. Certain medications, such as those for high blood pressure, are also known to cause staining, while poor dental hygiene can leave your teeth to the mercy of the strain they are put under on a daily basis.

Can I prevent discolouration?

There are ways to keep your teeth looking white, but it is ultimately down to how you live your life. For example, you could limit the amount of coffee, tea or red wine you drink; stop smoking; improve how often or the manner in which you clean your teeth; regularly visit your dentist for check-ups; or consider visiting a dental hygienist for regular cleanings. However, if discolouration persists, teeth whitening may be the best solution.

What teeth whitening treatments are available?

There are various techniques in which a dentist can help to whiten and improve the appearance of your teeth, including:

  • Laser teeth whitening: This is a treatment that typically takes no longer than ninety minutes and which can lighten your teeth by up to ten shades. The bleaching product is applied to your teeth and then activated through the use of a laser.

  • Enlighten: This treatment allows you to first whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home, as per the instructions from your dentist, and then attend a single whitening appointment at your dental practice for the finishing touches to be applied. The home application will involve the wearing of bespoke trays and their daily wear with whitening gel. This is a fifteen day treatment plan that promises a B1 shade.

  • Home whitening: This is a different system to Enlighten, but similar in how you will be given a teeth whitening kit and mouth guards to be worn at home along with whitening gel. You will need to make sure that you follow your dentist’s instructions to achieve the best results and maintain a safe procedure.

What can I eat after whitening treatment?

When the treatment is complete it is important that you do not immediately return to your old ways of drinking red wine and eating foods with artificial dyes. Think of your teeth as a white t-shirt for the first 48 hours and longer still if you want to see the results last as long as possible. During this time you should avoid consuming coffee, juice and sauces, whereas you will be fine to consume chicken, vegetables and milk. The best course of action is to be cautionary during the initial time after treatment.

If you would like to get teeth whitening to improve the colour of your teeth, visit a dentist in your local area for more advice.

This article is written by the team from Ollie & Darsh where you can learn more about whitening treatments.