Everyone wants to have gorgeous skin, no matter what your age. Who doesn’t want to look like the stars we see every day in magazines and on television? We all want to leave a good impression and complexion is one of the first things we notice when we meet someone new. Luckily there are a bunch of tips you can follow to improve your skin to boost your confidence and look amazing.


Drink Water and Eat Healthy


We’ve all heard the expression: ‘you are what you eat’, and it actually is very true. If you eat a lot of fatty and greasy food, you’ll end up looking fat and greasy by effect. In contrast, if you eat lots of fresh and healthy foods you’ll look fresh and healthy. There is a direct correlation between what you put in your body and how you look on the outside. When you make an effort to eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans, you will notice a positive change in your complexion. These foods are full of antioxidants and nutrients which will cause your skin to look amazing. Not only should you watch what you eat, but you should also be cautious of what you drink. Don’t go for fizzy drinks but instead drink plenty of water. If you drink a lot of water your skin will be better hydrated and you’ll have a nice, fresh complexion.


Exercise and Reduce Stress


When you exercise you’re getting your blood flowing, which nourishes skin cells and keeps up their vitality. It’s great for your skin when your blood gets flowing, as it carries nutrients and oxygen to working cells like your skin cells. Exercise also helps your body cleanse itself of free radicals, toxins, and other waste products. By exercising you basically cleanse your skin from the inside out. Not only is exercise good for your skin, but it also improves your mental state and rids your body of stress. Stress influences the sebaceous glands, which produce oil in the skin. Stress increases the production of these glands and therefore the amount of oil your skin produces, which causes acne and greasy-looking skin. When you exercise you release this stress, which helps your skin and glands function properly. Exercise really can help you improve your skin from the inside out, so get moving!


To sum things up: stay hydrated, eat healthily, exercise and try not to stress. If you follow these rules you’ll be on your way to an amazing complexion.


This is a guest post from Chemist Direct. We provide weight loss products amongst others.